Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Playground work in progress

Well this was fun. Still got loads to do. It's part of the playground in the park that's next to my accommodation halls. I'm going to add more to it, like bins and paths and another bigger play area next to it.

Oh yeah, haven't done the chains on the swings yet because I'll be using alpha maps for those.

My rendering thing in Max has screwed up for some reason... after I added an Omni light, it just showed up as pitch-black after I press F9, but I can still see my objects fine in the viewports. How odd.... I'll take it to the labs sometime and see if that will happen there.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I managed to save a picture just before the render problem came:

Just testing out the lighting and shadows! Heh looks like night-time...


Blair said...

W-woah, you just keep getting better! The rendered one actually looks kind of creepy. Good job though, looks like its really well made!

Chenz said...

Thank you ^_^. Haha yeah I thought so too, makes me think of some kind of sinister zombie kids' play area...

Mee*Mee said...

Stop being so good!

Chenz said...

@ Aimee: No! :P

Tom Li said...

heh, many a drunken chip eating summer night has been spent in that park bit. you totally need to make a little chav drinking special brew on the swing lol. looks cool, you ovrtaking certain 3rd years lol.