Monday, 9 February 2009

3D male

2nd attempt at modelling a character. Turned out better than I expected, but tis still rubbish lol. Constructive criticism is welcome.


Tom Li said...

yo that aint too bad foryour 2nd attemnpt, id reccomend getting your hands on models from real games (pc games that are mod friendly are usually a good way of getting em into max) rip em apart, see how there built. study the joints and where the polys are distributed. thats the best way i found to gete to grips with it.

Mee*Mee said...

2nd attepmt? Nice. My first female is in the same state although mine has a huge head and small hand syndrome. But yeah. And i agree with the above person, even though the same can be said to me my arms are a little skewed but there not too bad.

I NEED TO DO A MALE!!! Once the female is perfect :D

Chris said...

"Low Poly Character Series: Massing Out Forms"

Follow this entire tut series, thers 9 intotal but only if u wanna rig it aswell. This should be standard for anyone on any 3d course otherwise whats everyone doing lol...

Chenz said...

@ Tom: Cool, thanks for the info.

@ Aimee: Heh. Nice.

@ Kiss my Beard: Oooh yes, I need to look at those tutorials! Thanks :).

Mitch said...

draw topology lines on my lazy bum and model that :P

Chenz said...

On YOUR bum?!!? Euurrgghhhh *runs*

Chenz said...

On YOUR bum?!!? Euurrgghhhh *runs*