So, I recently read the V for Vendetta book and watched the movie... and got a little bit obsessed...
Screenshots of it so far. Still got several parts to fix (especially the area around his chin, man what a mess that is!), and I'm looking forward to texturing it!
And this the V obsession begins, who knows when the inevitable dun/v connection shall be made...
Anyway very nice model, can't wait to see how it turns out!
LOL Dun/V!!!
Man, V would own Xiahou Dun anyday because he's so damn fast. Dun moves slower than a pregnant tortoise...
Thank you :)
You finally read it? xD Ooh love it! The face looks immense, reallly accurate.
Oh god yes. And now I am MADLY OBSESSED WITH IT.
Your tooooo good.
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