Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Aviator WIP

Currently working on the aviator character based on Outso's concept, which I really like. Work-in-progress Zbrush sculpt:

Friday, 17 December 2010

Pre Dom War 5 - Technomage category

My Pre-Dominance War 5 challenge. I tried to give her some "special effects" around her weapon but they turned out poor :(. She is a blind mage who relies on her weapon's "eyes" (those orbs) to guide her.

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Laocoon test render

Laocoon test render! My god, his left foot looks horrid. I need to figure out a way to make these shadows not so dark D:

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Laocoon sculpt update

Update on my Laocoon sculpt:

Monday, 15 November 2010

Laocoon sculpt WIP

Hello, I realised I haven't posted in awhile so here's something I've been workingn on recently. I am enjoying the sculpting project a lot and it's feels fresh and different to sculpt a character who's already in a pose.

This is still a very early work-in-progress image, and critiques are most welcome on the anatomy and muscles. I am aware of positioning errors such as his left hand (our right) not in the right angle. The head is a separate file so I photoshopped it onto the body.

Reference here:

Saturday, 16 October 2010

Final Major Project blog

Blair and I have just made our FMP blog, follow us here!

Monday, 11 October 2010

Armless pianist

"For people like me, there were only two options. One was to abandon all dreams, which would lead to a quick, hopeless death. The other was to struggle without arms to live an outstanding life." - Liu Wei.

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Comicon 2010

Almost finished!

Monday, 4 October 2010

Comicon 2010 wip

Work in progress for my Comicon Challenge 2010.

Thursday, 26 August 2010

Old man head sculpt

Was aiming to create a guy in his 40s. I... may have over done the skin pores?

Monday, 19 July 2010

Moon sculpt

WIP progress of a bust sculpt I'm currently working on. Sailor Moon was one of my childhood heroines :P. Reference here.

Thursday, 8 July 2010

Neverending Story competition entry

Here's my entry for GameArtisan's Neverending Story mini competition. I modelled the Childlike Empress.

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Work in progress pics of my male character

Zbrush sculpt, started off with a model imported from Max:

Normals baked onto low-poly. I just wanted to see it in Max:

Now I'm working on the clothes:

Sunday, 30 May 2010

Zbrush head

I am currently finding Zbrush extremely relaxing to use and less frustrating than 3D Studio Max. Sculpting in Zbrush feels more "artistic", whereas Max seems more technical to me. I still enjoy using both, but now I am much more comfortable with using Zbrush than I was before, thanks to Cam's wonderful sculpting lessons.

I sculpted this man head a couple of days ago and I'm currently building his body in Max to import into Zbrush later.

Thursday, 29 April 2010

The end of the group project

What a journey! Those 12 weeks have been busy but it has certainly been a good ride.

I must say that I am very grateful towards my team. Everyone worked hard at their assigned jobs and cooperated well with each other. At first, it felt strange to be working with 5 other different minds since I had been so used to working alone on the Mortal Engines projects (character, environment and vehicle), but throughout the group project, I had learned many new things and it was a great and enjoyable experience to work with others.

I am now very much looking forward to Third Year where we will be doing our FMPs. I have a rough idea of what I'd like to do but I am still thinking about it.


Saturday, 20 March 2010

Recent paintings

Unfortunately I have not been able to update my blog as much as last term, though this is because I have been deeply focused on the Group Project this semester (all my blog posts went onto the Team blog) which has been going very smoothly. I will be writing a more detailed post about the Group Project later. For now, here are some recent paintings.

I enjoyed this one very much, the brief was to choose a place that I'd like to relax in then add some changes to suit my own personal taste. I turned the local library into a more antique styled one:

Painting mugs is actually a lot more fun than I had imagined!

EDIT: Made a new version of the library painting here.

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Agent Smith

Tweaked his face a bit and finished the texturing:

Saturday, 6 February 2010

Agent Smith head model WIP

Work in progress images for my Agent Smith head model!

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Jack Sparrow and "generic" head

Tried a more realistic-looking face this time.

Previously I did this one which was a made-up character head (but based her features on various actresses):

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Trash scene

Here's my trash scene. Looks rubbish doesn't it?

I'm not really calling it finished because I'm willing to change anything drastically if required. 410 triangles.

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Female head Zbrush

Screenshot of my Zbrush sculpture of a female head so far. I based some of her features on various actresses. I hope she's a bit more realistic-looking than the Max version in my previous post!

The symmetry tool in Zbrush was being odd for this one, the line wasn't really in the middle so some parts of her right side (our left) aren't exactly the same as her left side... that's why her nose looks wonky :\

Friday, 15 January 2010

Generic female head wip

Modelled a generic female head: