Thursday, 3 December 2009

A few attempts later...

NOW she looks more like me... I hope.


Michael Powell said...

could you post a side-by side comparison of her and your reference head shot?

Cos i have a feeling you don't look quite so much like ETs cousin...


Chenz said...

Lol........... yeah, when I showed this to Miles yesterday he also pointed out that I don't have such fat cheeks...

Well after comparing that Zbrush model to my reference photos, I can spot some differences so I shall go back and make some more changes to the model. While making that Zbrush head I was using a mirror mostly, therefore I probably wasn't able to see my overall head structure. I've edited the post to show the comparison.

"Master, you have opened the thicket that barred my view and have made me feel as if clouds and mists have parted and I have gained blue sky." - Liu Bei, Romance of the Three Kingdoms ;)

Still got so much to learn! :D