there really lovly dude, though the streching on things in the enviroment seen is awful, you really need to fix stuff like that matey. something i found helps when finishing something is find a piccy on the tinterweb of a similar scene from a game and just compare, the things that need changing/improving will become apparent immidiately, trust this will help you alot :D keep up the good work
Nice presentation skills! ^^
there really lovly dude, though the streching on things in the enviroment seen is awful, you really need to fix stuff like that matey. something i found helps when finishing something is find a piccy on the tinterweb of a similar scene from a game and just compare, the things that need changing/improving will become apparent immidiately, trust this will help you alot :D keep up the good work
@ Aby: Thank you ^_^
@ Toma: Thanks, and yeah... I'm finding it hard to even out the environment texture, but thanks for the advice, I'll look up some examples :)
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